CSS and CARP Design

The main point about this project is that we were to make a website that would include coding the website and one what Carp. The difference between the two is that one is a CSS file and one is filled with CARP. All the information went into coding and website that we would open with the links. That is the main overview of the project.
The CSS styles improved contrast of the project because of the difference in the websites. One was supposed to be colorful with italics and serious. The other was supposed to be bland as just a website with the dog aligned differently. The styles made everything different on both pages by the margins, texts, etc.
The CSS styles effected alignment because of the text and images being aligned differently. The dog in the one with carp is only on half of the page. However, the one without is on the page fully. The text on both is aligned in the same way, centered.
The CSS styles improved the project by making the text the same. The text in both is the same size. However some of the text in the one with CARP is italicized, which makes it a little different. The styles were able to make everything in the website the same by giving the requirements in the blog.
The styles allowed for the parts of the website to be in order and exact. The text for the poems flowed well and the tools made it so it was all centered. The tools allowed for everything to be in order. All the text that made sense to be next to each other was the same font and in the same place.
What I Learned
I learned that the tools will make everything a lot easier to make in Dreamweaver. You don't have to edit it the hard way. The arrangement of the tools makes it so everything can be made the same. All the images and text can be arranged in a way that makes sense.


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